Spiritual Health: Have You Updated Your Operating System Lately?

You’ve seen the message on your screen: “A program update for your operating system is available.” A system update addresses vulnerabilities in the computer’s processes. Often it provides better ways to operate the program. Yet for the system to be updated, action is required. You must click “Yes” to continue. Commitment: Your Old Operating System…

Check your heart to know if you're giving as God leads

God’s ROI: Are You Giving As God Leads?

“Past performance does not guarantee future returns.” You’ve seen that disclaimer on a financial prospectus. Market fluctuations, economic conditions, worldwide crises – unlimited number of factors can impact the return on your investment (ROI). While we invest financial resources in order to accrue monetary gain, God’s resources produce both tangible and intangible returns. His resources…

hut in the jungle along a river

The Great Commission: Keep the Go-ers Going

“Vocational missionaries to foreign, remote areas face enormous challenges,” explained a 16-year mission field veteran. “They are hungry for any opportunity to grow spiritually because they deal with overwhelming obstacles.” When it comes to fulfilling The Great Commission, these precious servants are called Go-ers. They leave their homes and go to isolated regions to share…

Mentor and young leader

Succession Planning, Part 3: What Young Leaders Need to Know

Young leaders: do you intentionally strive to absorb as much as you can from the experienced leaders around you? Tapping into others’ experience is a powerful way to accelerate your own learning curve and at the same time, prepare yourself to help move your organization forward. Such was the case with Timothy, a young convert…